Curriculum Vitae
Karl Troels Sandegård
1979 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Lives and works in Copenhagen and Berlin
2000-2007 The Royal Danish Academy Of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, DK
The institut of bioinformation (est. 2012) – w. Ebbe Stub Wittrup
OEEN Group (est. 2007) – w. Kristoffer Akselbo, Jacop Jessen and Niels Henriksen
Solo exhibitions
2014 Bodies And Bodies, Overgaden Institut Of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, DK
2011 A parallel myth of the death of the Greek giant Typhoon and other interpretations of Vortex, Gallery Christina Wilson, Copenhagen, DK
2010 The massive void, Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, DK
2010 Exhale, Supernova, Latvia
2007 Echoes, Galleri Christina Wilson, DK
2005 Environmental Harmony, NR2, DK
Selected group exhibitions
2016 Af-sloeret, KH7Artspace, Århus, DK
2016 On the Immense and the Numberless, David Risley Gallery, DK
2016 Spring Exhibition, Den Frie, DK
2015 Little Berlin, Philadelphia, USA
2015 Flux Factory, NYC, USA
2015 Spring Exhibition, Den Frie, DK
2015 Sculpture By The Sea, DK
2014 Im-materiality no. 3 (consciousness), Sorø Artmuseum, DK
2014 Mashine, Holsterbro Artmuseum, DK
2013 Echoe, Gallery Christoffer Egelund, DK
2013 New Garden City, Traneudstillingen, DK
2012 Painting with out paint, David Risley Gallery, DK
2012 Life clock, Den Frie, DK
2012 The dust blows forward, and the dust blows back, Ufo Percents, D
2011 Monument Valley, Ufoprecents, D
2010 Waterworks, Randers Kunstmuseum, DK
2009 Nice sizes, good prices, Gallery Christina Wilson, DK
2009 Spaciuox, Lambretto Art Project, Italy
2009 Update, Kunstværket, DK
2009 Deep End, Pladsen, DK
2009 It’s Raining Men!, Galleri Christina Wilson, DK
2008 Chaotic resonans patterns in excitable media, West Germany, D
2008 Naturligvis, Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, DK
2008 Skulptur i Eventyrhaven, DK
2007 EXIT 07, Gl.Strand, DK
2007 Magtdemonstrationer på Kronborg, Kronborg, DK
2007 Forårsudstillingen, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, DK
2006 Nu her og aldrig mer, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, DK
2006 Efterårsudstillingen 2006, Charlottenborg, DK
2006 3D Wonders, Dunk, DK
2006 Add x to (n), Museet for Samtidskunst, DK
2005 Duel, Charlottenborg, DK
2005 Hoejde Bredde Dybde, Gallery Susanne Ottesen, DK
2004 Keramik, Kopenhagen, DK
2004 Selvsving Elektronica, Studenterhuset Næstved, DK
2004 Selvsving på Kopenhagen, DK
2004 Off Shore, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
2003 Rumklang, Vordinborg Havn DK
2003 Resonans, Q, DK
2003 Selvsving, Køge Skitsesamling DK
2003 Vågn op, Køge Galleriet, DK
2003 Formskrift, Q, DK
2002 Brøl, Zoo, DK
2001 Henne hos slagteren, nede i kælderen, DK
2001 Scheiss trampolin, Aix NV, DK
2000 Hulrum, Vordinborg DK
2000 Charlottenborgs Forårsudstilling, DK
Selected bibliography
New Danish Art 2012 Kopenhagen Publishing, Copenhagen.
The Massive Void. Troels Sandegård, Revolver Publishing by Vice Versa, Berlin, 2010.
The traces. Troels Sandegård, Revolver Publishing by Vice Versa, Berlin, 2008.
Ny Dansk Kunst 05/06, Kopenhagen Publishing, Copenhagen. 2006. pp. 160-161
2015 Niels Wessels Bagge Artgrand
2014 The Committee for Visual Arts Purchase and Grants from the Danish Arts Foundation granted Troels Sandegård a scholarship covering a period of three years.
2011 Ole Hadslunds Artgrant
2011 The Committee for Visual Arts, Production fee.
2010 The Committee for Visual Arts Purchase and Grants from the Danish Arts Foundation granted Troels Sandegård a scholarship covering a period of one year.
2010 Grosser LF foghts grant
2009 The Committee for Visual Arts Production fee
2008 The Committee for Visual Arts Purchase and Grants from the Danish Arts Foundation granted Troels Sandegård a scholarship covering a period of one year.
2008 Ragnvad og Ida Blix' Grant
2008 The Committee for Visual Arts Production fee
2007 The Committee for Visual Arts Production fee
2007 Montana
2007 Ragnvad og Ida Blix' grant
2006 Gottfred Aichhoffs grant
2006 Mogens Poulsens grant
2005 The Committee for Visual Arts
2005 Ragnvad og Ida Blix' Fond
2003 CKU